Master's Degree in Statistics
In the period from Sept 1990 to Nov 1996 I have studied statistics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Statistics and Probability Theory, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
I have e.g. attended graduate courses on marked point processes on the line, general point processes, survival analysis (based on counting processes), stochastic integrals, weak convergence, time series, generalized linear models, longitudinal data and variance component models as well as a lot of mathematics courses.
I finished my master's thesis at November the first, 1996. It is in danish and the title is
Analyse af ventetidsaksen i en
sampling i en poissonprocesmodel
for Lexis diagrammet
Jens Lund
November 1996
The title translates to “Analysis of the Waitingtime Axis in a Renewal Process and Sampling in a Poisson Process Model for the Lexis Diagram”.
The thesis, an English preprint and an article based on it are available from my list of publications.